今回のアップデートはリビジョン番号が若干向上しただけのもののように見えますが、保留音(Music on Hold)に MP3 プレーヤに対応するなど保留音関係に機能が追加されていました。以下にビルドオプションの画像を掲載していますが、+マークのある部分が新規追加の機能です。
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Asterisk のビルドオプション 1ページ目 |
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Asterisk のビルドオプション 2ページ目 |
".asterisk.makeopts" が存在していると、ビルドオプションとして処理されるそうです。
===>>> pkg-message for asterisk18-
This port supports custom Asterisk configurations using a *user-supplied*
menuselect.makeopt file.
This feature is of most value for users that want to disable or override
default functionality that they dont want or need, particular in space
and/or resource constrained, or embedded environments.
If a file named ".asterisk.makeopts" is found in the ports files/
directory, its contents will be used to configure Asterisk at the
post-configure stage.
If the file is *not* found, the port will default to a 'normal' Asterisk
menuselect configuration, and only execute menuselect commands according
to what port OPTIONS the user has selected.
The format of this file is the same as the output of a standard
`make menuselect` command, as per standard build instructions for
NOTE: The contents of this file *MUST* be syntactically and semantically
valid, as the port does *NOT* perform validation of this file.
In particular, ensure that all Asterisk options have their
dependencies met, using the corresponding port OPTIONS dependencies.
The `menuselect --check-deps` command can be used to verify the
The following related documentation resources are also available:
* https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Using+Menuselect+to+Select+Asterisk+Options
* http://www.asteriskdocs.org/en/3rd_Edition/asterisk-book-html-chunk/installing_base_configuration.html#Installing_id293213
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